
Tower of TERROR (the Americas)

So...I walked like two miles to see this crazy thing. And decided it wasn't going to happen tonight. You see, I'm really afraid of heights. I do not like them...at all. BUT, I've gone to the top of what was formerly known as The Sears Tower in Chicago, IL and I've been out on THE EDGE at Eureka Tower in Melbourne, Australia. I figured, "Tower of the Americas, I can so take you." Well, not tonight. Tonight it made my legs shake just to look at it.

I put on my game face. But then I almost peed my pants. Tomorrow we will see if I am brave enough.

It rained pretty much all day. And this was my face. C'mon, San Antonio. Give me another sunny day.

1 comment:

  1. haha. Actually, I have not been, either! Maybe another day :)
