
The Best Part Is The End

I don't really have anything to blog about. 

I could take pictures of my apartment, but that would require too much effort and I haven't had much coffee yet. And I also just spilled said coffee because I got a little too excited. 

I could tell you how good it feels to have my beloved Hummingbird (guitar) back in my life, but I think if I spent an entire blog post talking about how much I missed my guitar that would make me a little bit of a dork. 

I could tell you about my new roommate, Rufus Costello. He's a pomeranian who gives high fives. 

I could express my excitement on getting a washer and dryer delivered. Pretty sure getting excited about something like that makes me an official adult, which is a little bit weird to me. 

I could tell you about my new hairstyle, which is shorter and layered. I don't really like it, but there isn't much I can do about it now. I think it makes me look older, which wasn't the look I was going for. Allora...

Yep...pretty sure my blog is boring right now. It needs some pictures. And maybe some videos. OHHHHH. Wait for it...


New Home

I'm almost completely moved in to my new apartment in Louisville. Can I just say that God has been so very good to me? I went to Italy somewhat worried about how I would return to Louisville: finding a place to live, finding a job, being out of touch with friends, and on and on. I'm sort of a worrier. I know it's dumb. But now I'm back in Louisville in the perfect apartment for me, with a job, and with friends who haven't forgotten about me. I think the most important thing I learned while in Italy is that I really can trust God with my entire life. He really is faithful to take care of me. It seems like such an obvious thing but I am so thankful for how He has provided for me this year. Sooo many God-things in my life.

I'm still feeling pretty weird. It is overwhelming to be with a group of Americans. I didn't think it would affect me at all, but I'm afraid that I've lost my personality somehow in all of this. It could just be my perception, but I feel like I'm really quiet and withdrawn. I totally check out of conversations. I hate it but there is so much happening with my friends that I just can't relate with because I haven't been here. And vice versa, they have no idea what my life was like for the past five months. I guess it will just take time for things to feel normal again.

Anybody reading this who has dealt with re-entry before...got any tips?


Home Again. & Running.

I'm back home. It's weird and I don't really know what to think. I can pretend like the past five months didn't actually happen and it is easier to feel normal again. Or I can think about how amazing the past five months were and then I feel like I'm a foreigner living in the United States. It is very odd and I'm sure it doesn't make any sense. For now, we will just say I'm dealing with culture shock and leave it at that.

The topic I really want to talk about is running. Yeah, I know. Kala and running don't seem like a likely pair. But, a few years ago I was starting to make some real progress as a runner and then I got mononucleosis. And that sort of killed it. I've never gotten back in to the routine and now I am super out of shape. Soooo, I'm going to start running again. I figure by announcing it to the blog world I'll have to actually do it. If you stalk my blog, please hold me accountable to this.

I'm going to run a 5K. This Fall. Seriously.

So to all you runners out there: Give me your best advice. I don't know anything about running but I'd like to learn as much as possible. I'm starting on a schedule to work up to 3 miles, running only three days a week. But, I'm clueless. What kind of gear do I need? What kinds of food should I be eating? Is three days enough or should I be running more? What kind of shoes are best?

Help me!


Ciao Ciao!

i'm going to miss this place and these people. 

can't believe i'm leaving in one week.