
Single Ladies

Please read this. You won't regret it. I'm pretty sure it just made my day.

The Single Lady Pancake <---click this thing


Running, Blessings, Talent, & Waterfalls

Finally started running. I think I was seriously afraid of it in my mind. But, I actually really enjoyed it and it felt great. And wasn't too bad.

Back to work this week as well and that has been great so far. It feels good to be back in Louisville and back into life here. The transition has been a lot easier than I had first anticipated, which is obviously a God-thing. I am so unbelievably blessed.

Now for a random aside: I'm watching America's Got Talent and I'm realizing that Americans are incredibly weird. Also, apparently the term "talent" has been redefined to mean the ability to do anything at all. I just watched a guy attempt to eat a marshmallow attached to a mousetrap which he shot with a blowgun. Is this talent? Seriously?

I don't get this "talent." But according to NBC, America's got a lot of it.

I think this is real nice:


It's My Brother's Birthday!!!

He's growin' up on me. 

22. Coolest brother ever. Enough said. Couldn't be more proud of him.