
louisville = true love

I'm going to miss it. Here are pictures:

So pretty, especially with the snow.

Okay, I'm not going to be lazy. I'm going to actually write. Here it goes.

I love, love, love my friends. I have been so blessed to know them. My old friends have stuck with me, even though I haven't always been the best friend. My new friends are so ready to accept me, flaws and all. It seems like I've known them my whole life, when it has only been a matter of months. I'm going to miss them all so much!

I should really be packing right now. I'm leaving for Texas in the morning for a week. Then I'll have two days before I leave for Europe. I don't even want to think about packing for that trip. Well, it's time to get busy. Dear coffee, please give me energy. Thanks. Bye.


  1. You came on such a pretty weekend! So glad we got to hang out and go to Sojourn. Dr. Seifrid told me she learned to make hot browns... maybe she can teach us how when you return. Much love! :)
