
In With The New...

2010. So very weird. I hate saying twenty ten. It feels weird, like time is going by super fast and I'm getting old. Nevertheless, 2010 is here.

There are plenty of things I should probably attempt to work on this new year. But I really only have three that I'm determined to accomplish.

1. Quit soft-drinking. I've done it before and felt soooo much better. The first few days will be painful. After day three, I will be victorious over the headaches and be feeling super awesome. Worth it.

2. Devote myself to devotion time. Some call it their "quiet time." I call it studying God's Word. It should be an everyday thing. I know I will fail at this, but it is still my goal.

3. Blog. I've started a million blogs and failed every single time. I hope I can commit this time to posting on a regular basis. At least making an effort. We'll see how it goes.

Twenty-Ten is going to be a great year. Exciting things are happening. A great journey is ahead of me. Stay tuned.

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